Web Design & Programming

You can click on the link on your invoice email to pay faster

Pay An Invoice

If you received an invoice from us, there is a link in the email for payments. If you prefer, you can use bill pay or mail a check.
Thank you.

Payment Apps:

Venmo: @MagicAngel
Cash App: $magicangelnet

Pay With PayPal

We no longer support PayPal and neither should you.

Pay With Credit Card


Pay By Credit Card

Payment amounts listed on your invoice include our 3% cash discount. Our cash discount applies for cash or check payments. Stripe or PayPal payments of less than $800 have been include in our cash discount for your convenience. To maintain your cash discount for payments over $800, please use cash or check payment methods.
Give the Magic Angel a call:
(904) 531-0985

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